Unmanned underwater vehicles Gavia support for the Polish Navy

Michal Holubowski

As part of joint NATO operations, Polish units search for, classify and destroy post-war remnants, leaving bodies of water a safe place for the environment and people. Effective operations are possible, among other things, thanks to the ultra-modern GAVIA-type autonomous underwater vehicles, which have been on duty with the Polish Navy since late 2013, helping to carry out missions in the North Sea and Baltic, as well as the Atlantic, very effectively.

The Gavia vehicle, designed by Icelandic manufacturer Teledyne Gavia, is convenient to use because of its fully modular design, which facilitates rapid transportation and maintenance, while maintaining operational readiness and reliability. In addition to its core components, Gavia can be equipped with a variety of additional sensor modules, depending on its intended use and mission purpose, selected at the time of purchase or at a later date. This versatility creates an invaluable resource that can be optimally configured for mine warfare, search and rescue or hydrography missions, without being limited to a single task.

Programs for the supply, modernization and technical support of Gavia vehicles are supported locally by Enamor sp. z o.o., the official representative of Teledyne Gavia in Poland.

