KAriera in Enamor
Our company's mission is to develop and continuously improve products and services. We put this vision into practice by taking an active role in managing the company. To do this, we need the right people to power our team of specialists.

job opportunities
From future employees we require: knowledge, experience, commitment to work, application of unconventional solutions and methods, and a desire for continuous process improvement and self-improvement.
If you are interested in a job, internship or funded scholarship in our company, please send your resume to the following email address: enamor@enamor.pl or marketing@enamor.pl
Technician / Service Engineer - Radio and Navigation Department
Your scope of responsibilities Our requirements Mileage This we offer CV send to: enamor@enamor.pl By sending a recruitment application, you agree to the processing of your personal data by Enamor Sp. z o.o., headquartered in: Inżynierska 1, 81-512 Gdynia (Employer), as a personal data administrator for the purpose of recruiting for the position indicated in the advertisement.