In parallel to its commercial and service activities, Enamor conducts a number of research and development activities aimed at producing and implementing modern equipment to guarantee safe, economical and environmentally friendly operation of ships.

d Building Strategy and Expansion in the North American Market
The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under Priority Axis III - Support for innovation in enterprises; Measure: 3.3 Support for promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises of the Operational Programme Intelligent Development 2014 - 2020. Contract no: POIR-03.03.01-00-0001/17-00 Polish Bridges of Technology. The aim of the project is to acquire expertise in the introduction of marine technology products to the US market, resulting in the development of an expansion strategy, followed by its implementation in the foreign phase.
As a result of the project, export sales of products offered by Enamor Sp. z o.o. will be launched on the target market. Total value of the project: 200,000.00 PLN. EU co-financing of the project: 200 000.00 PLN.
d Exhibitor at Smm Hamburg 2022.
Enamor provides products and services to the broad maritime market in particular to ship owners of the international commercial fleet. The SMM (Shipbuilding, Machinery and Marine Technology) trade fair is one of the largest events of its kind in the world and certainly the largest in Europe. They have been held for years in Hamburg, Germany.
The motivation for undertaking the project was to raise the visibility of the Enamor brand and products. An important element prompting the project was the opportunity to participate in the first large-scale marine trade fair after a period of stagnation caused by the pandemic. The aim of the project was to establish direct cooperation with buyers of Enamor products and services and to build a sales network in developing Asian markets. Representatives of the latter visit the SMM trade fair in large numbers.
The implementation of the project allowed the development of the export of the SeaPerformer system and the ETM torque meter. The SeaPerformer system is a versatile tool for data acquisition during the operation of a ship, its evaluation and analysis, which consequently leads to a reduction in the economic and environmental costs of shipping. The ETM torque meter is used to measure the load on the ship's main engine and is one of the primary data sources for analyzing the ship's efficiency. The ETM is used in the SeaPerformer system or as an independent device. Export development will be realized by covering new markets (Asian countries) and increasing the number of delivered systems in existing markets (European countries). The SeaPerformer system is currently sold in quantities of a dozen per year, mainly to shipowners from European countries. At SMM, Enamor's offer will be presented jointly with its Korean agent (Iljin And company) and partner Samsung Heavy Industries with which Enamor has developed a solution to reduce CO2 emissions using the ETM torque meter. Sales discussions with a potential agent in the Singapore market are also scheduled at SMM. As a result, sales of the applicant's products are expected to increase significantly. It is planned to double sales of SeaPerformer systems and sell 30-50 ETM torque meters per year over the next three years. Enamor has sufficient technical (including a new production department building) and human resources. The profitability of the existing business secures the financial needs for the planned increase in exports.
Enamor manufactures the above-mentioned products based on its own technical thought (its own R&D department) and production capabilities.
In order to present the company's offerings, it was necessary to undertake a number of activities and expenses necessary to prepare an exhibition stand and spread the word to potential contractors and customers about the presence at the Fair and Enamor's general activities.
The goal was achieved with funding under the grant project "Pomeranian Export Broker. A comprehensive system of export support in the Pomeranian Voivodeship".
d Seaperformer- Vessel Performance Management System as a Tool for Reducing the Harmful Impact of Ship Operations on the Environment.
The project received funding from the European Regional Development Fund under the Intelligent Development Operational Program.
The project will develop a prototype of a ship performance management system, combining the functionality of a data processing information system and a network of distributed sensors to identify the condition and operating conditions of ships. Analysis of the acquired data will allow obtaining an operational model of the vessel, which will enable optimization of sailing parameters to reduce operating costs and harmful environmental impacts.
Value of the project: PLN 2,857,836.64, including the contribution of the European Regional Development Fund: PLN 1,959,528.48.
d Astmamon-Mobile Asthma Monitoring System with Miniaturized Pikflometer
The project has received funding from the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020.
The aim of the project is to build a small in size and convenient to use sensor - a picoflometer for children, as well as to develop a mobile device application for wireless data acquisition, a data processing system and a client application to access the system. The solution under development is expected to allow ongoing monitoring of selected health parameters of children with asthma, as well as early detection of disorders, enabling faster remedial responses.
d Development of a prototype of the System for Monitoring Quay Loads and Bottom Reinforcement in the Area of Ship Mooring Together with Implementation of the Finished Product on the Market by Enamor Sp. z o.o. From Gdynia.
The project has received funding from the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020.
The project will develop a prototype of an innovative system for monitoring loads on quays and bottom reinforcements in the area of ship moorings. The system will retrieve and process data on dynamic pressures at the port quay. The transmitted data may allow reducing the cost of operating bottom reinforcements in the berthing area.
The value of qualified expenses of the project: PLN 835 245.34, including the contribution of the European Regional Development Fund: PLN 561,414.27.
d to develop sales in the international maritime market by investing to enable enamor sp. z o.o. to start production of a sensor for measuring the power of a ship's main engine.
The aim of the project was to implement into production an innovative sensor with favorable technical parameters and a competitive price. In connection with the implementation of the project, Enamor's product palette was expanded with a product that will complement the applicant's existing offer.
The ETM sensor is a complementary product to the already produced flagship products, i.e. ship performance monitoring and management systems (ESOS and SeaPerformer). The implementation of the project allowed achieving long-term effects in the form of increased profitability of sales of own products. The result of the project is not only an increase in sales volume, but also a significant reduction in sensor production costs due to the purchased modern instrumentation.
In summary, the implementation of this project made it possible:
- expansion of the product range,
- increase in sales of own products,
- increase export opportunities,
- lowering production costs.
- Increasing competitiveness and importance in the industry.
Thanks to the implementation of the project, a sensor for measuring the power of the ship's main engine has been put into production
The value of qualified expenses of the project: PLN 443,250.00, including the contribution of the European Regional Development Fund: PLN 195,030.00.
dec development of a significantly improved efcm fuel consumption monitoring system from enamor sp. z o.o.
Application number: ROIR.02.03.02-22-0023/17
The aim of the project is to increase the competitiveness of Enamor Sp. z o.o. on the European and global marine automation market by offering new and significantly improved products. The result of the project is the creation of prototype devices, according to the request for proposal, by the Innovation Center of the Maritime Academy in Szczecin Sp. z o.o. The proprietary concept includes a number of solutions to implement an innovative EFCM fuel consumption monitoring system as well as a completely new module for recording measurement data processing. The obtained results of R&D work will be implemented into the current activity of the Applicant, there will be a diversification of markets and expansion of the current product offer. Due to the advanced solutions and their uniqueness, the effect will be an increase in the innovativeness of the company on a scale of at least Europe. The company, as the first in the European market, will offer products that will result from the implementation of this project.
Value of the project: PLN 393,600.00, including the contribution of the European Regional Development Fund: PLN 272,000.
d no. dob/0004/ron/2015/05 with the code name "best".
The project is implemented under competition No. 1/N/2015 and is co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development.
Total value of the project: PLN 7,996,600.00,
Value of eligible expenses: PLN 7,996,600.00,
Funding value: PLN 7,495,960.00.