Enamor will implement a project for a mobile asthma monitoring system, AstmaMon, co-financed under the Pomeranian Voivodeship ROP for 2014-2020.
We are pleased to announce that together with the "Sport for Health" Foundation, we are preparing to implement a research and development project called "AstmaMon mobile asthma monitoring system with miniaturized picoflometer".
Collaboration with theSports for Health Foundation has resulted in a joint project to develop an innovative, miniaturized sensor - a picoflometer, worn by children, monitoring medical parameters in real time, as well as a secure system for collecting and processing measurement data with remote access for patients, doctors and parents.
Main objectives of the project:
- Monitoring medical parameters of children
- Real-time monitoring
- Remote access for doctors - access to data
- Remote access for parents
- Security of medical data
The idea of the AstmaMon system is a response to the growing needs of asthmatic children, their parents and doctors, resulting mainly from the unavailability of appropriate tools for monitoring the disease. The proposed solution is designed to provide a safe and convenient way to monitor medical parameters to support diagnosis, the treatment process and rehabilitation.
The project AstmaMon - a mobile asthma monitoring system with a miniaturized picoflometer is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020. The project is scheduled for completion in 2019.