Information about the selection of the contractor within the framework of the inquiry ? calculation of marine properties and development of algorithms

Michal Holubowski

Concerning selection of a contractor for research work in the planned project under POIR, Measure 1.1, Sub-measure 1.1.1. 

In response to the inquiry for the implementation of the research work:

Development of algorithms for optimization of sailing parameters taking into account the user-selected objective function (maintaining average cruise speed/maintaining arrival time at destination port, reducing fuel consumption and emissions). Development of an algorithm for selection of cruise route and sailing parameters with respect to weather conditions.

distributed to

Gdansk University of Technology,

Gdynia Maritime Academy,

Centrum Techniki Okrętowej S.A. in Gdańsk,

within the deadline for sending bids, a bid was received


Centrum Techniki Okrętowej S.A. in Gdańsk.


After the team reviewed the submitted bid, it was determined that it met the required criteria. Accordingly, Centrum Techniki Okrętowej S.A. was qualified as a contractor in the planned project.


Subject: selection of a contractor for research work in the planned project under POIR, Measure 1.1, Sub-measure 1.1.1.


In response to the inquiry for the implementation of the research work:


Development of algorithms for optimization of sailing parameters taking into account the user-selected objective function (maintaining average cruise speed/maintaining arrival time at destination port, reducing fuel consumption and emissions). Development of an algorithm for selection of cruise route and sailing parameters with respect to weather conditions.

distributed to

Gdansk University of Technology,

Gdynia Maritime Academy,

Centrum Techniki Okrętowej S.A. in Gdańsk,

within the deadline for sending bids, a bid was received


Centrum Techniki Okrętowej S.A. in Gdańsk.

After the team reviewed the submitted bid, it was determined that it met the required criteria. Accordingly, Centrum Techniki Okrętowej S.A. was qualified as a contractor in the planned project.