R/V Oceanographer equipped with E-NETMOS

Michal Holubowski

"Oceanograf", a modern scientific research catamaran owned by the University of Gdansk, already has an E-NETMOS system. The CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) application developed by Enamor was implemented and accepted for operation on 08/07/2019.

source: gospodarkamorska.pl

E-NETMOS is an information system designed to support and maintain the operation of ships and manufacturing companies. Its overriding goal is to make it easier for the user to manage resources by determining the actual status of, for example, equipment, warehouse or orders, and to support workflows. The system has a clear and intuitive interface and data synchronization with the provision of an Internet connection.

The contract between Enamor and the University of Gdansk involved the creation of a "tailor-made" system, building a component base for the r/v Oceanograf vessel, and installation and implementation on the vessel and in the office.