Integrated Navigation System on the newest ship of the Polish Navy, ORP "Ślązak ".
source:, photo: M. Dura
Presented in the Presidential Basin of the port of Gdynia, during a ceremony to celebrate the centennial of the Polish Navy, the patrol ship "Ślązak" is one of the most important projects related to the modernization of the Polish navy in recent years. The agreed schedule assumes that, the ship will be commissioned in the first quarter of 2019. A few months before the port trials, we present the Enamor Integrated Navigation System installed on the ship.
The main task set by the gestor for Enamor, was to maximize the efficiency of the system's individual modules, in such a way that the Polish Navy could make the most of its potential. Its characteristic features include high reliability, an easy and user-friendly operator panel compliant with NATO standards, and an open system architecture.
The specification presented by Gestor, obliged the company to provide a system characterized by the ability to transfer a large amount of navigation data in a relatively short period of time, which is expected to allow the determination of the vessel's position with an accuracy of a few centimeters, and the archiving of data related to the maneuvers being carried out. Most importantly, the Integrated Navigation System allows the acquisition and distribution of processed data to various ship systems, so that the vessel can efficiently and effectively carry out the tasks assigned to it.
Another strong point of the system chosen by MON is the ability to intelligently manage alarms to reduce the number of alerts that appear, and to install computers that can take over the function of the others at any time.
The main elements that went into the Integrated Navigation System on the patrol vessel ORP "Silesian" are:
- Navigation radars,
- Magnetic Compass,
- Gyrocompass,
- Complex Tactical System
- Road Planning Station,
- Electronic Map System,
- Weather station,
- Receiver of electronic weather maps
- Autopilot
- Dual-frequency echosounder,
- Log Electromagnetic,
- Data Distribution Unit (DDU) System,
- Navigation Data Recorder,
- Bridge Watch Alert,
- Integrated Time System.
- The selection of equipment and its unification is aimed at extending the service life of individual components, guaranteeing high system reliability, and facilitating scheduled maintenance.